Friday, March 24, 2006

Imagination and limitation

(Times have changed and so has my blog,but not to forget my past because of which i am here today!)

The wonder of imagination is seen everywhere, in out work and the results.mankind and his innovative activities list the vastness of work and imagination.Imagination is the power to think and equally the power to create the very features that we inherit from our creator.About the last book i read "probabilities of the quantum world" by daniel danin explains the very nature of imagination,the human development with the time.The book aslo speaks of the limitations that one percieves.

Imagination leads us to new world of thoughts,new ideas and probably a way to conceive the ideas into our work.The wonders of research of scientists was emulated in that book starting from the macroscopic world begins the observations.Observations are governed by the imagination,in some way or the other,our imagination leads us to the observation.The observation leads us to research and the research to our work.The book talks about the macrospopic observations lead to new discoveries and the quest for the microscopic developments and research.The path between classical mechanics and birth of the quantum theory.The probablity of the quantum mechanics were based on conflicting ideas,rejected at first and became unavoidable with time.But again the world has new ways,the limitations and imagination alternate at every phase of life.

However imagination has limits -that they say is the end of the road.Like every thought that flowers and blooms into a beautiful idea,we humans like the thoughts of the creator bloom here.Bright and beautiful but there is an end,the limitation.No thoughts will ever die and no imagination ever ends.the limitations that they say is the road to a new thought a new world, a new area of observation and research and so based is the history of mortals,us in every time and space,our resplendent ideas flower and end of imagination and limitations there is no end,there is imagination and limitations.Their connections and implications however lead us to a new world of imagination again has no end.Inevitable as every thing connected to our world.

(This was my only article posted on my previous blog ,wel a fresh start now and a promising world tommorow)

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