Friday, March 24, 2006

Probabilistic World

Alas the sailor said if only I waited. I could have avoided the storm.

If only he was aware of the choice at any near higher level, would he have the ability to know what he was thinking was already thought.The coin has 2 choices, heads and tails. You toss them many times but you cant be sure of 100 % predictability.Further the coin has only 2 chances, imagine what other events in our life can have.

One of the interesting things to note from that astrology refering to sun-sign is that it was written that I have management skills not programming skills.
Its sad, how this world visions skills at such lower levels, it further an irony that the judgment of prediction is also based on such levels.

So the real thing is a probabilistic network game, programmed on a network, our world.The boundaries exactly set and its not possible to see beyond it unless we ourselves are outside.This feels much like the Matrix Quote by Oracle-"we can never see past the choices we don’t understand".

Such an Oracle ,a probabilistic gambler exists in each one of us, differences occur in the form we rate our ratings for probable events. This gives birth to "Belief" and its extreme form is BLINDNESS which is closely linked to 'love'.

We don’t really need implementation details here as to which part of the brain, which hormone secretes this(its hard coded-meaning no freedom of choice there)our area of concern is the control which orders the secretion of such hormones and cause the events. This exactly is controlled by the above stated probability.

Philosophy is prediction, it is thinking out of the world, because our basic notion itself is to know what's happening outside this boundaries.ALL this can be wrong game ,Everyone plays some game, lets play this one.So basic requirement is to understand the probabilistic network,to understand you have to first find out patterns that exist in the real world.Many researchers, scholars and writers have burned their life out and have given us the most important verdict-

"There are patterns but the reoccurrence is not a pattern"

Which means there are patterns in life but how they occur,when the occur and when next they will occur is random and difficult to predict.Now, here's the catch-that exactly is the point which I want to make. This verdict gives the hard proof of the probabilistic network around us.

The question that eventually arises in our mind is if its probabilistic and random how can boundaries exist?

Good Questions-but there lies the solution. Here comes the concept of the program that spawns this probabilistic network, one that assigns the probability chances to each events. For example-

In our numeric system, our probability sum is always 1.lets take the coin again and say heads has p(0.5) and tails p(0.5) which when summed up leads to 1.

Thus you can see the boundary and hence the events can never cross this limit. The spawning program also has checking functions to check this.The elements input to spawner program would be events,probabilities,boundaries-Once started we have certain targets to be achieved and rules encoded to get there, now the network needs to run over several runs to converge to that desired target.

The output-
Inside what we have is a living world, a world streaming with life!


kaushik said...

dude.....tangential philosphy....
i just can say that the human mind cant stop inventing newer and weirder situations to achieve its goal!

it is only that we dont know when our thoughts have become completely random and impractical!

Sashi said...

'impractical' i feel is too lesser word perhaps you can add to research.perhaps it depends how far one can see,and yes it was very much mentioned in my article!

Unknown said...

a very abstract version of a very realistic situation in our life... to c what is beyond us we must first look inside us... attain certainity within us... and the probabilities outside would resolve themselves...

Sashi said...

but the percentage of attaining the certainty will still be limited,be it a mere chance or gut feeling,predictability can never be perfect...

Anonymous said...

interesting...makes me think a bit...